Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Piscean who loves cats...

Now, let's see if I can still do this blogging thing...after a long hiatus (inhales deeply...:) )...

If somebody ever asked me what are my favourite animals...I would definitely say cats as one of them..rabbits too..but for today..I'll talk about cats...

Once I put the title "Cat Lover" as my flash disk's name...& it was met by derision & laughter by my friend Kuden...he said it sounded like a really bad porn star name (his words) haha...yeah on does sound like one..

Anyway, why do I find cats interesting? maybe it's just the way they strut, so full of confidence & pride, or one might also say with a certain air of arrogance :)'s just that I am not that confident of myself, as cats are...detractors might say I give cats some human qualities :P ...still I hope u get what I'm trying to say...

& consider this, even the Egyptians treat their cats as family members, to be given proper burial rites just like other human family members..heck they even have a cat god, Bast
(although it leads Robin Williams to joke about it.."that's why when the Red Sea close up on the Pharaoh, & he calls out to his God, his Cat God can't do shit 'coz he's afraid of the water...")

And for people who always say that "dogs are better 'coz they r more social than cats..cats r so anti-social"...
well..let me quote from wiki :P (with some editing, for better flow,mind)
"The typical negative stereotype of a cat describes a very solitary animal, prone to aloofness and self-sufficiency.
However, cats are not generally as asocial as that stereotype, it's just that cats don't have a pack mentality.
This mainly means that an individual cat takes care of all basic needs on its own (e.g., finding food, and defending itself), and thus cats are always lone hunters; they do not hunt in groups as dogs or lions do.
One example of how house cats are naturally meant to behave is to observe feral domestic cats, which are social enough to form colonies..."

Plus, combined with the cats' cuteness & pest-controlling habits, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better pet.
[I can almost hear my friends' saying, "hmmph, if Haneef likes something, he finds whatever reasons, no matter how insignificant, to support his argument" :) ]

Actually, I think dogs are good pets too, its just due to my Islamic obligations, so I can't really take dogs as pets.. :)....another topic for another time...

Ahh..cats..what's not to love?...

p/s: do u know that a mother cat can be pregnant with offsprings from different fathers? The reason that this can happen because cats are one of the animals that can experience superfecund, i.e. fertilisation of two or more ova from the same cycle by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse.
In simple words, a female cat usually have more than one ovum per estrous cycle, and at the same time they have multiple partners, so their eggs can be fertilized by sperms from different male cats.
(don't worry, superfecund phenomenon in humans are extremely rare, because women rarely have more than one egg, and and are usually monogamous, at least in one estrous cycle)

1 comment:

Ellen Whyte said...

I'm a Piscean who loves cats too! Nice picture.